Sunday, August 30, 2009

Week 7 Results...


  1. 59 again for me. If you are interested, lets write a short paragraph on how we are all doing on the gold star game and in general. Has it helped, hindered, hurt, or just become another thing to do. I hope it's going well for everyone. I started another nutrition program in conjunction with this and it is kicking my rear but is very fun.

    The thing I struggle with the most is journal writing. The thing that is the easiest for me is leisure reading and drinking water. Let us know how you are doing!

  2. I finally got a perfect week!

    61 points for me.

    I'm on the fence with how I feel about this whole thing. I love the idea of setting goals and being accountable to others. It pushes me to do them that's for sure but the time it is taking all adds up and it some times interferes with my family time. Call it poor planning at times but some nights I'll be cutting my time short with my family to try to cram in my reading, exercise, journal writing etc... There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day some times.

    I think the goals that frustrate me most are the luxury ones that seem to pop up a few weeks in a row... For example... no tv! I have a DVR filled to it's max and, I hate to admit it, I spent too much of my Sunday trying to catch up on shows!

    The goals I love and am seeing the benefits from are the exercise and food goals. The no desserts was hard at first but it's a good challenge.

    All in all I love a good challenge. I really work hard and I like seeing myself succeed so I'm glad I'm doing this!!!

  3. 46 this week! Going to bed on time was a challenge- I'd often have to drink more water right before bed to try to fit it in!!!

    Maybe we should try a week where we set all or most of our own goals, to focus on what we need to work on a bit more.

  4. I have been thinking about writing our own goals too. I have made some lifestyle adjustments with regard to nutrition and exercise and they are eating up a lot of my time and energy and I would love for them to count! So, lets finish out this week with week 8's goals and then week 9, lets write our own. We will post both week 8 results and week 9 results in 2 weeks. And at the end of week 9 we can evaluate how it is going. Sound good?

  5. 37 - Wow not such a Hot week for A.Bonney...
    Going to bed Early killed me - no TV is always hard - Here's to Week 8!!

  6. I like the idea of making more of our own. Not to make it easier but to make it custom. I need to work on a lot of things!!! a lot of the goals we have had come fairly easy (water, flossing, reading...) and I really want to stretch myself. I like the idea of more personal management.
