Sunday, August 16, 2009

Week 6 Goals!

Hey all, hope things are going well! Elena had to withdraw due to moving, travel, and other issues so....good luck Elena with everything!

1. No gossip
2. 10 minutes of stretching
3. 30 minutes of exercise
4. Leisure read for 20 minutes
5. Vegetarian lunch or dinner everyday
6. Make your bed
7. Walk some place instead of drive (yes, that means you who drive 1/2 block to the mailbox)
8. Perform a small and simple act of kindness
9. No television
10. Continue developing your new or dormant talent

***Bonus Goal! Schedule a time to donate blood (if it doesn't work out for this week or due to health concerns you are unable to donate blood- donate cans of food to a local food bank)

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