Sunday, October 25, 2009


Hey ladies,

Let's not post our results from week 15 until the end of week 16. Then at the end of week 16 we will post 15 and 16 a the same time.

This week, make your own list of goals by picking any ten goals from weeks past. No goal is off limits AND you can get points for every BONUS goal you do this week. So if you do ten bonus goals, you get 10 points at the end of the week. Good luck and have fun!



  1. ok... so to get bonus points we can do any of the past BONUS POINT goals from any of the previous weeks? And as many as we'd like? up to a certain amount? Just trying to figure this out and be 100% sure?

  2. yup- you can do as many as you want from any of the weeks- there is no limit.

  3. got it! But I can only get one point for each right... like for instance...One of the bonus goals was to make a new dessert and give it away to a friend...could I make 4 new desserts and give them away for 4 points?

  4. I like Rebecca's interpretation :o)

  5. Yup, make 4 new desserts and give them away to 4 different people but just make sure one of those people is me ;-) !!

  6. Ha ha ha!!!! I just needed to understand completely! I didn't want to get to the finish line and see that I could have earned more points!
