Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Week 10 Goals....

Only 3 this week plus a bonus- YOU MAKE UP THE OTHER 7!

1. No Desserts
2. No gossip- only positive conversations
3. Keep track of your daily caloric intake- no need to have a limit- just keep track.

***BONUS GOAL- This will be the goal for the last three weeks- Make a budget and stick to it for THREE WEEKS. Keep track of everything you spend and for each week you stick to your budget, you get a point. At the very end of the competition- if you did this for all three weeks, ADD 10 POINTS to your total amount!


  1. Love the Bonus this week (the next 3 weeks actually)!!

    I finally redeposited my money :o)

    Here are my 7 others:
    * Drink 64oz of H2O
    * Run for 2 miles twice this week (Do 75 Pushups and 200 Sit ups the other 3 days!)
    * Pack my lunch for the rest of the week
    * Eat something (healthy) every 2-3 hours
    * Devote 30 minutes a night to studying/homework
    * Exercise Patience/ Maintain control of my emotions.

    These are long term goals I have set for myself - mid as well start this week right?! Thanks Kimmy - this was a fantastic Idea!!

  2. My score for the last two weeks was 119.
    It was much harder when we made up our own goals...for me at least because I knew where
    I needed to push myself and it's proving to be harder yet more rewarding!

    I didn't see this weeks posted Monday or Tuesday so I already started on my own list again of goals. If it's ok, I'd Like to stick to them for the rest of this week. I'm already three days into them and don't want to miss out on the points that I would have otherwise missed.

  3. yep thats just fine Becca.Good luck!
